Wednesday, March 31, 2010


I would love for you all to meet our first SOTW winner who's shop is EGG-

TASTIC! Yes you did hear me correctly! Her shop is nothing but EGGS bringing the phrase " The incredibl

e edible egg" to a more super term.

Meet TEENER ----->

Christine Luschas – for Facebook J

1. Where do you get your inspiration from?

I normally get inspiration from anything. I’ll take pictures of random things. My friends will tell you that while studying abroad in Rome, I took pictures of floor tiles in cathedrals JUST for egg design ideas! I’ll look at geometric designs and find a way to transfer them onto an egg. It’s more fun to get art from the real world, gives you almost a story for each piece.

2. What is your


23… 24 June 26th!
3. What is your shop(S) name:

European Girl's Crafts and Egg Art Shop!
4. Do you only sell on etsy or do you go to craft shows as well

I started out selling my eggs at craft shows years ago. Specifically Lithuanian and other European craft shows. My mom and sister were selling straw ornaments, and said I should demonstrate etching eggs for people as an informative thing. Then people starting asking if they could buy the eggs I was making. I was so excited I started selling right there. I started on etsy a little over a month ago. I wasn’t sure if there would be any interest for scratched eggs but thought I’d give it a shot. After my first sale I got that rush of excitement I felt when selling at festivals, and started making m

ore and more eggs to post on the site.

5. Is there an item you have made that has significant meaning to you and


Many of the eggs I create have a special meaning to me. Whenever I make a new design I feel a sense of accomplishment that makes me sad while also extremely happy when it sells. Most of the time when I make something totally different and it looks great, I have a hard time parting with the item.

6. How did you first get the idea to make what you are now

I have to give the credit to my mom. When I was about 14 she thought we should try some Lithuanian Easter crafts to get more in touch with our heritage. She never scratched eggs before but she had seen nuns do it when she was young and knew the concept. She got us the tools and we all tried our hand at it. And believe it or not I was the worst! After time and through LOADS of determination I began to get better at the craft, and now I am the only person in the family to scratches eggs.

7. Do you ever change your “craft style”? Exa

mple jewelry to ceramics?

Well I do several different crafts. I cross-stitch, knit, crochet, scherenschnitte, paint, draw, and so much more. While all these crafts are of interest to me, I explore my egg craft more than any of them mainly because not many people do it. I love showing people that aside of Pysanky there are other great egg crafts from Europe. I try to get the word out on how I create the designs and etch and hope others will try their hand at it. While some people still do the craft, not many know about it. It is more of a family affair, not publicized very often.

8. How do you feel about buying and selling handmade items

I LOVE the idea of buying and selling handmade items. If you ever saw the house I grew up in you wouldn’t be surprised. My mom has a deep love for colonial décor and antiques. Through that love came a love for crafts and things handmade. That love rubbed off on me as well as my other two sisters. While I craft with eggs and other things, my eldest sister Mary makes amazing scrapbooks ( My middle sister makes Lithuanian straw ornaments and sells them in the festivals as well.

I feel buying and selling handmade items connects people together as well as creates a stronger appreciation for the items made when purchased. There is a story with every item. People have to ability to appreciate the time and effort

someone puts into a handcrafted item. The time I put into an egg is special to me, and I hope that people who admire and buy them feel the care I put into each one.

9. What is your favorite material to work with?

Well materials don’t really change much when It comes to egg etching, but the best part of the process of etching is the shading. Using a simple dollarstore box-cutter to shade petals on an egg is that time when the design stops being a design and takes on some life and character. Knowing that a simple and cheap tool such as a box-cutter has the ability to make something turn into a work of art is fascinating to me.

10. How long have you been in your craft?

I believe I started etching eggs when I was 13. I wasn’t very good… In fact I was terrible! Every year I improved more, changed my technique and got bolder with designs. I started out basically copying designs of eggs my mom owned. Over time I started drawing my own during class in high school and college. Now I have a binder full of ideas and pictures of past eggs to remember and duplicate.

11. What is one message you would like to get out to the world about what you do?

This is another craft, separate from Pysanky. There is no wax involved or paint. It is a simple simple process of dying a hollow egg and then taking a blade to etch away the dye, making a two color work of art. Many European countries use this technique, including my heritage of Lithuania. I spent a lot of time working on creating eggs and finding new ways to present and get people interested in this dying art. Most people forget about other egg crafts outside of the colorful Psyanky, which I have loads of respect for.

The great thing about this craft is its simplicity. In its more muted state of only one color with white, shows an appreciation for the design, and the technique.

12. Do you have a “day job” and if you do… what is it?

My “day job” is a law student in Pittsb

urgh, PA. I am finishing up my second year as a day student, and am currently looking for a summer job. I am interested in family law, and hope to become a family law lawyer. As a student egg etching is only a small portion of my life. I spend most of my time reading and study for classes. I use crafting as a stress reliever from reading and other school activities.

Sometimes I want cr

afting to be my day job, and I think etsy is a way for me to further explore that idea. Promoting, creating, and further working with my shop and eggs is a way for me to feel out what it would be like to own my own shop and handle the responsibilities of it. So far I’m still a student trying to make it in the legal world, but who knows, maybe I can quit my “day job”

some day! J

13. How has your work developed throughout the years?

Originally I did eggs the traditional way, hardboiled in onion skins to give them a rich amber color. The true Lithuanian way is to keep the egg inside the shell. However, after time I got tired of the one color and the fact that hardboiled eggs over time have a tendency to break more easily (and smell terrible). I decided to try hollowing out the egg and dying them different colors. After figuring out how to keep a hollow egg under water I started etching colored eggs!

That was my main change, from hardboiled and brown to hollow and colorful!

Also after time I started buying larger and smaller eggs. I thought a variety of sizes looked wonderful grouped together. I started buying goose and duck eggs online along with game bird eggs and turkey. The different sizes and shapes made for such a great variety of styles and designs!

14. Did you ever feel like giving up bef

ore you got to where you are today?

YES! And I did! My first egg was horrendous! I mean…. It was bad…. All I had on it was a huge Heart and the number “4” and the letter “u.” Even after my mom tried to tell me it was cute, I said I quit, etching eggs is stupid and I’m never going to do them again. And it was true, at least for a year. Later I thought, “hey… I can do this, and I’m going to try again.” This time I huddled over this brown egg and started etching. I wouldn’t let anyone see it. Finally when I was down, I looked down at a completed, and might I say, not too shabby etched egg.

I realized that giving up at something you’re so new and inexperienced at made no sense. I worked from then on trying to outdo any egg I did before. Even today I don’t show people my egg until it’s finished unless asked. I like the element of surprise on people’s faces.

15. How do you feel when people interpret your work differently than you?

Well I know art is subjective, and I have no problem with anyone thinking something different than I did when creating an egg. My only problem is people telling me that I’m doing pysanky and I’m misrepresenting it. The problem with many European crafts is several countries engage in them and call them their own. I’m Lithuanian, but other countries including Poland and Ukraine also etch eggs. However, it is not pysanky, which is a totally different techniq

ue using wax and several dyes.

Other than the frequent mis-categorizing of techniques, I welcome people seeing different messaging and symbolism is the egg designs themselves.

16. What advice do you have for aspiring artists?

DON’T GIVE UP!!! From not being fantastic from the beginning to not selling items fast at the start, there are so many temptations to quit. I find myself thinking about it even now in areas of my life, just because I don’t see results quickly. Doing something different and not well known is a great thing to have in your life, it gives you something unique about yourself. Even working in a genre of crafts or art or anything that more people are also working in gives to an opportunity to set yourself apart. It takes time, something I have been told countless times and am JUST beginning to embrace.

I feel that the release every person gets in working on art, whether it be egg etching, jewelry, painting, or anything, is something that should be developed for countless reasons. It gives both you and others something exciting. You have the ability to see yourself progress and others are given the chance to have something completely different and unique to enjoy!

17. Who first inspired you to begin crafting?

Like what most people answer for this question…. My mother. She is the guru of crafting. Even when I was little, our basement was the “craft area.” She always had a project going on, from herbs ornaments, to beaded Christmas balls, to straw art, she was always teaching my sisters and I something new. The great thing about it is, I have this home base of crafting. If I’m stuck on a design or think I ruined an egg beyond repair, I have my mom to go to. What is even better, or worse, depending on your opinion, is she collects egg art. So whenever I make something totally new and wonderful, she is my FIRST customer, grabbing up the egg and telling me to make it again, this one is for her collection. It’s an honor to see my eggs with several others in her cabinet at home.

18. Do you have a space for your work area or do you craft anywhere?

Heh, I mentioned this question to my mom and she said I have numerous craft areas. At home (when I’m not in school) I’m parked in front of the TV on the floor etching on her coffee table. But now that I’m in Pittsburgh in law school, I craft on my living room table. I come home from school, park my stuff in the hallway like most kids did when they were in middle school, and just go to the table to etch one egg. It’s not the most permenant or pretty station for crafting, but it gets the job done. J

19. What are your favorite childhood memory involving arts?

I’ve already mentioned my mom being my major inspiration in crafting, so it’s no surprise my favorite memory involves her. The funny thing is it has nothing to do with egg art. When I was in elementary school, my mom volunteered as an art teacher for our small Catholic school. For Mother’s Day she taught my class to make popsicle fans for our moms. I remember hiding from her making my fan the opposite of her instructions because I didn’t want her to know what she was getting. I was unhappy that she wouldn’t be surprised with her present.

I’m like that even today. The element of surprise is key with anything I do in the arts. I want the person receiving something artistic from me to be excited and ultimately shocked when they get a present from me.

20. Do you feel accomplished when you finish creating?

YES. I absolutely love looking at a completed egg or any completed craft when I finally put the finishing touches on it. Sometimes I get a little sad knowing it’s going to be sold or given away. Most of the time I content myself with taking several pictures of the item telling myself I will recreate it. Sometimes I do, but sometimes, the really special ones remain a one of a kind work of art.

21. What does your personal style (living space clothing ect…) Reflect anything you make?

Heh, well anyone will tell you I’m different. By the pictures I included… I Ithink that’s pretty apparent, and I wouldn’t have it any other way! I have anything from cartoon shirt (drawers full if you must know) to tons of hats, and even crazy high heels. I don’t have a set style. I even own fake glasses for the days I want to look studious. If anything, my lack of a style, and embrace of several looks shows that I love change. I love trying new things and new experiences. The fact I do so many different crafts also shows this. No one can pin me down into something specific, and I think that’s the best way to be. You have the ability to try new things without question and you also don’t corner yourself into inevitable boredom!

22. Do you use your own products for things?

Normally yes. I buy eggs at the store, pump them out myself (I eat a lot of scrambled eggs) and dye the eggs at home. Sometimes I will purchase the different type of eggs like goose and duck. However, the entire process is mainly done in my apartment. I love knowing that from beginning to end I have a hand and control over the art.

23. Do you like custom orders?

I love them!!! Custom orders are amazing because people then get involved in the process. From just picking a color and design to even making a design and me working with the person to make the perfect egg they want, the final product is shared. It’s good to know that the custom order will be that much more treasured because they also had a part in its creation. I welcome them anytime them come along!

24. Do you have any sales coming up?

Currently I reduced all my prices for the Easter and Spring Season. I am always adding more eggs to etsy. In addition I am a part of the Lithuanian Day Festival in Frackville, PA. That normally occurs mid-August. Any other sales or festivals I will be at I will post on my own, not entirely mastered or completed, blog (

25. What are your favorite shops on Etsy?

Wow… that’s a tough one… but here it goes: (not in any particular order)

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Man o Man.... what is with these busy weeks?

These busy weeks seem to just be taking over my life!.... and all i have to say about that is EWWW... Lets see This week i had Finals for school, Food Visits at work ( SO STRESSFULL), My WONDERFUL best friend came to visit this weekend, and New Etsy shop week. Oh well... I had this weekend off for a GREAT resting time!

My mom voted on the last poll. She brought to my attention that it may be a little difficult to see the stuff on the shops because of the fact that the links are not click-able. ( I spent over an hour trying to enplane the concept of the poll to her). So because of this. I am going to list the shops with click able links. (YAY)

This week like i said.... was busy for me!.... I did manage to make these things though:

I also made another one today but i will take photos later!

So my fience Jimmy has been hard at work on this new idea of his. He has been making a RPG video game and plans on selling it in the near future. I would love for you all to check it out when he gets it done. He will be selling it for $10 a copy. When i say he has been working hard on it... i really do mean working hard on it... he comes home and works on it ... before work.... days off.... yeah... So Please when he gets it done check it out!

- Not to mention.... i have been decorating it haha!

And now i am off to do some yoga!



Saturday, March 27, 2010

(Late) Winner.... helloagainvintage

1. Shop name: Hello Again Vintage

2. Owners: Gale Bautista & LadyGrace Cervantes

3. Twitter:

3. Facebook fanpage:

4. Shop site:

5. Blog:

6. Where do you find your BEST vintage items? We go anywhere from searching for very specific vintage items on the internet to taking roadtrips to near or far garage and estate sales. As vintage sellers, we always keep our eyes and ears open, as we never know where we'll score some great finds. The most delightful feeling is finding something at the least expected place and time. For example, our shop was in desperate need of mannequins and on one great random day, a relative called us to let us know of a factory that was closing down and shutting its doors for good at 3pm that day and had more than a dozen vintage mannequins to dispose of. Needless to say, we picked them up ASAP!

7. What do you look for when you are looking for vintage? Just overall unique hard to find items from all eras that are in good condition. We like to have a nice mix at the shop.

8. What is your FAVORITE vintage item that you have found? Our favorite vintage item at the shop right now was not found but given to us by our aunt from her own collection. It is a vintage ceramic owl lamp from the 60's. It currently sits on the window sill of our shop like a mascot and was the first thing we put in there when we opened. It's special and, to us, it looks more eerie than cute. Sorry for everyone that's asked but, he's still "not for sale".

9. What era of vintage inspires your shop the most? From the orange and yellow retro pattern on our shop wall to the funky neon pink and turquoise ruffled party dress displayed at our window, the shop decor is influenced mostly by the colorful eras of the 1960's to 1980's, but we also carry a range of items from different eras.

10. How do you accurately price a vintage item? We price out merchandise based on era, quality, and uniqueness.

11. How did you first become attracted to vintage things? We both grew up in families that were big antique collectors and hobbyists. Since we were little, we've been accustomed to taking weekend roadtrips searching for garage sales with our parents. It didn't take us long to realize that the joy of doing this came from finding a unique object and wanting to know more and more about the history behind it - What year was it from? Who could have owned it? What is that romantic story it belongs to?

13. Is there a message as a seller you are trying to get out there? You don't have to spend alot to look or be fashionable. Also, have fun mixing the fashion of today with those of the past to create something fresh and unique.

15. Do you sell your items only on etsy? We also have a brick and mortar shop in Jersey City Heights, NJ that we opened in May 2008.

16. Do you have any advice for Vintage sellers? Well short and sweet, do your research, know your eras, and trust your "eye"! When shopping around, we often will be drawn to an item and maybe not know exactly what it is or what it's worth (that's where research comes in), but if it popped out to us in one way or another, then we trust that it's got to be something good!

17. Do you ever dream of owning a free standing shop if you do not
already? We've dreamt about owning a shop since we were little girls. One of our lasting memories is of coming home from school and rushing to finish homework so that we could play "store" afterwards. We would price vintage costume jewelry that we bought at a garage sale the weekend before and bag each individually to be put out on the "floor" for sale. At around 8 years old, we even took it as far as setting up our own private store for family and friends in our basement selling vintage and secondhand goods. In 2008, our dream came true and we were able to open up shop right in our neighborhood, called Hello Again Vintage.

18. Do you do other things other than sell vintage? At our shop we sell current trends in fashion that is secondhand but not vintage, mainly things that are funky and catch our eye. We also are both very big on the DIY/indie culture, and feature our own handmade accessories at the shop along with many other local artists and crafters' art for sale.

19. What is your “ Day job”? Gale Bautista: I work at our shop in Jersey City during the day, in my downtime, I handmake jewelry that I sell at the shop and on Etsy (, and am always available for hire for freelance work in interior design and drafting on AutoCAD.

LadyGrace Cervantes: When not working behind-the-scenes on our store operations, I'm a buyer for the Jersey City Museum Gift Shop as well as bookkeeper for my family-owned employment agency, Hudson Staffing Solutions.

20. Any good sales coming to your shop soon ( ex BOGO)? We will soon be having a giveaway for Facebook fans only. If you would like to enter, go to our Facebook fanpage to become a fan and stay tuned for instructions on the giveaway!

Anything else you want to add:

We would just like to thank you, Funk(E)y Junk Designs for this wonderful interview on us. We always love and greatly appreciate bloggers showing their support. It helps us grow and motivates us to keep on moving! Thank you, thank you!

---- She says your welcome :D

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

SOTW Dallied!

We look on etsy shops all the time but while looking at their items have you ever wondered “what is this person’s life like?” Well I did thus creating SHOP OF THE WEEK! We all see the wonderful work this person has created but behind the work is a wonderful person with a story and lots of things to share with you.

I would love for you all to meet Dallied our shop of the week winner for last week! She owns a very darling little shop on etsy. ( )

Twitter: http://www.twitte


“"I opened my jewelry shop in August 2009. At the time I was tackling learning the technicalities of selling online and Etsy alongside of my full-time job, zoo-like house and the new semester coming up in a new school. I got too ahead of myself and had to close the shop after a mere week of opening, I was working at too fast of a pace and the stress was overwhelming. A month ago, after working out the rest of the kinks to Etsy over the semester I re-opened with a better head on my shoulders and things are looking up!”"

The following is a little interview with Dallied

1. Where do you get your inspiration from

Everywhere! Movies, books, characters, food, color combinations, emotions, the weather and much more. I'm lucky that I find inspiration easily; I think that's what has helped me to develop my work so much more over the past couple years.

2. What is your age:


3. What is your shop(S) name:


4. Do you only sell on etsy or do you go to craft shows as well:

Right now it's just Etsy. I'd like to get a little more involved locally this summer, so we'll see how that goes.

5. Is there an item you have made that has significant meaning to you and why:

The items I make that hold significant meanings to myself don't tend to wind up in my shop because I find it too hard to let them go. Usually, the significance isn't very deep though, it's just little things that I find hard to let go. Two pieces that I've been unable to let go are a jellybean inspired necklace make with tons of small, colorful assorted gemstones and an explorer locket simply because of my love for baking/sweets and traveling.

6. How did you first get the idea to make what you are now:

When I first started making jewelry I loved that I was creating and I felt pleased with the results. I understood that they were pieces that people would, and did, like and buy, but it was never quite my style. I never had the struggle like I often do now when I make a piece and think “can I justify keeping this?!” After so long of this I had to suck it up and realize that if I wanted to make and try the things that I really wanted to I had to bite my lip, cross my fingers and buy all the supplies needed to do so and hope it worked out. And voila, it did!

7. Do you ever change your “craft style”? Example jewelry to ceramics?

I've been expanding my knowledge and skills within jewelry but no, I haven't left that area. There's so many crafts I would love to try but time and money aren't so kind. In a perfect world, I'd love to learn more about soap making, designing/stenciling china and sewing. I'd also love to learn how to make tea and wine! Oh, life.

8. How do you feel about buying and selling handmade items:

Love it. I love the feeling of buying homemade, how you know that someone else made it and put their time into this one thing and it wasn't just mass produced or made by a machine. I've always treated handmade items of mine with more care and I think that most other people do too. This is also the same reason why I love selling it, along with the feeling that someone else appreciates my work enough to buy it.

9. What is your favorite material to work with?

This is answer definitely changes all the time but right now I'm really loving crystal, silver and lots and lots of wire wraps. Next week it'll probably be cabochons and brass.

10. How long have you been in your craft?

I know this sounds weird but I'm actually not 100% sure. When I was young in elementary school and my friends and I were learning how to make hemp jewelry I became totally obsessed. Somewhere along the way, later in junior high I'm pretty sure, I ultimately ditched the ball of hemp for some earwires and pins.

12. Do you have a “day job” and if you do… what is it?

I'm currently attending the local university here in St.John's full-time, working part-time at Tim Hortons and babysitting a couple nights a week for my cousin. I also live in a complete zoo of a house. Most of my crafting, promoting and other shop work is done in the evenings and the early hours of the morning. The bags under my eyes are getting a little ridiculous!

13. How has your work developed throughout the years?

When I first started making jewelry it was very basic for a long time. I only made very simple wired wrapped or headpin earrings and that was it. Somewhere in the past couple years I've really managed to step up my game by a) sucking it up and spending the money needed on supplies for things I wanted to learn and b) sitting down and trying over and over again until I learned the things I wanted to learn. It's really come a long ways!

14. Did you ever feel like giving up before you got to where you are today?

No way! I love making jewelry! In terms of etsy I'm only starting off but it seems to be going okay so I don't know why I would want to.

15. How do you feel when people interpret your work differently than you?

I don't mind at all, everyone sees things differently, and a lot of the time their interpretations shines new light on the piece and makes me realize more ways to look at it.

16. What advice do you have for aspiring artists?

Believe in your product, pour your heart into but most importantly don't over do it, nothing happens overnight. When I first opened my shop in August I overdid it and was working at a pace I couldn't keep up with as I was still in a full-time job and about to attend another new university. One week after opening the shop I had to close it down and didn't re-open until a month ago. I'm more prepared this time around and a little more sane and things are running much more smoothly.

17. Who first inspired you to begin crafting?

Everyone who gave me all the positive feedback when I made those first few god awful pairs of earrings years ago. I realize that they were so ugly that they wouldn't have even sold in a dollar store and that my parents probably had to bite their tounges really hard to say they were beautiful.

18. Do you have a space for your work area or do you craft anywhere?

I recently took over my fathers “office” ... a.k.a room filled with 30 years of mess that my parents didn't know what to do with. I organized it and packed it all up a moved in a couple months ago and it's perfect!

19. What are your favorite childhood memory involving arts? Making hemp jewelry! I really loved it!

20. Do you feel accomplished when you finish creating?

I get wayyy too excited when I finish making something. When I'm sitting down, halfway through a piece, I'll say, “Alright, when I'm done this necklace I'll stop for the night,” but I never follow through because once I finish I'm usually riding this childish high that moves me onto the next piece.

21. What does your personal style (living space clothing ect…) Reflect anything you make

It does to a certain extent. I would categorize a lot of my jewelry as “stuff I would wear if I weren't so freaking casual.” It works out though because then I'm not giving in to keep everything! My only problems are the loops I've been creating lately, I've had to make two pairs of most of the ones in my shop because I couldn't help myself.

23. Do you like custom orders?

I've never had one but I would love to do custom orders!

24. Do you have any sales coming up?

Not any coming up that I know of, no, but I did have one a couple days ago and it seems like I'm having around 2 a week now so I've got my fingers crossed for the next couple days.

25. What are your favorite shops on Etsy?

Most of my favorites are supply shops! Bead shopping kills me. Aside from that though I'm really loving ForStrangeWomen's shop - Her shop has such a natural cozy feel to it, I'm in love! When the day comes that I'm no longer poor I'm going to buy the new Kings of Convenience CD and a little something from her shop.

Thank you all fore reading! PLEASE take time to comment :D


Sunday, March 21, 2010


As an interior designer you come across some pretty rad things while searching for furniture. Some of it may not be as functional as others but nevertheless you still can find some great things. Some of the most amazing pieces i have found have been hand crafted and or refurbished. Just goes to show that hand crafting can really put the greatest spin on things.The photos on this first half of my post are from a company called Dust Furniture.
They are one of the best companies i have found that has such whimsical furniture. It is one of my goals to own some of their pieces in my dream home (whenever that... happens).

Here are some other pieces i have found that i find truly fun and exciting and most defiantly make you wish you were a kid again.

Even some Etsy sellers have some RAD stuff.

This table is from a seller called michaelarra. I think i have been watching the tables in this shop since i first started on Etsy. They simply amaze me!

This seller also has some incredibly nifty little finds! I love it when people used everyday things in new funky creative ways. This sellers name is jjevensen


Well thats it for now!

Thanks for reading!

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Saturday, March 20, 2010

YAY a new start to a new week!

It is safe to say that i am awake now and ready to post. Unlike the last post i did where i sat here half asleep. It took me almost 2 hours to write that little thing!

Anyway, This is a new week and this means NEW SHOPS, NEW FEATURED SHOPS ON MY SIDE BAR, AND A NEW INTERVIEW FOR SHOP OF THE WEEK! YAY! Make sure you all vote for shop of the week! They need your love... or they cannot win!

The new shops off to the side of my blog are a great little group of crazy creepy things! There some of the shops i have been eyeballing for a while. I did however just come across Harriets Imagination the other day and i REALLY love her art! I have come to realize that this is one of my favorite types of artwork! Her other pieces are amazing as well!

Yesterday i went to meet up with my dad at a convention called Millicon. I was not there very long but i did find some great sellers. I wish i had snapped some photos but i was unable to!
I found a seller who was making cats in to mermaids. They were beyond adorable! I will have to see if i can get some photos of them. I am really in love with them!

While their i was also given a massage lesson form i am assuming a " Pro massager" haha. If i can find his information i will indeed pass that along to!

Looking at the time and seeing how its almost time for work. I must call this an end!

Hope you all have a great saturday!

<5 Jess